Vang Vieng, Laos
1, 2009
Taking a 4-5 hour trip
from Luang Prabang to Vang Vieng. Lovely scenery along the
way, plus it helped that we had Say (our private guide in
Luang Prabang) to guide and drive us through the area. Very
beautiful drive, through rolling mountains, waterfalls,
and local hill tribes. Just really enjoyable. Checked
into our hotel and yes.... That was about it....
Vang Vieng is just NOT
our thing! Sort of reminded of a dusty, Mexican, bandito
town. Mostly backpackers, smoking pot, dope and whatever
else there is, eating "happy pizza", washing it down with
an opium milkshake, and just hanging out being stoned out
of their minds, watching the same episode of Friends, EVERY
NIGHT on dirty "beds" hosted by the restaurants themselves!
WOW! Yes, perhaps if we were a FEW years younger, we would
have been all game, but unfortunately we're not. Couldn't
go there. Ordering happy pancakes, opium tea and magic mushroom
pizza from the "Special Menus" (and we're NOT kidding) was
just a bit awkward for us.
Other than that, we enjoyed
a day going kayaking down the Nham Song, stopped along the
river, where about 15 bars were located at the river's edge.
Playing a bit of "Tarzan" and a few beers later, we were
off again, paddling down the river. Yes, we made it back
safely to the hotel - no tipping over or losing our paddles.
Highlight, looking forward to Vientiane!

Johann is ready to go and fired up to
paddle. A little tropical rain was coming down, but
that certainly didn't stop us. We had a great time going
down the river, admiring the nice scenery as we slooowly
passed by. And guess what? We didn't fall over even
once. Boy were we on it this time around (maybe the
dark brown river had something to do with NOT tipping

Aaaaaaahhhoooooaaa, that would be the
"Screams of Tarzan". We hit the break spot on the river,
where at least 15 bars were located after each other
and ended as the tubing section of the river started.
Aussies were definitely digging this arrangement. Beer
and happy "somethings" along with tubing down the river,
how much better can life become, eh?! Hmmm...

No, I didn't order anything from the
Happy Special Menu. I'm just happy to be ALLIIVEEE...
Okay, and we did happen to also enjoy that beer break.
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