The Hawaii Bookstore
Bestsellers & Popular Fiction

Welcome to the largest Hawaii-only bookstore on the web!  

The Pistol
by James Jones
158 pages, 2003

Here you can find bestsellers, novels, and tall tales from and set in Hawaii.  You'll find more titles, those specific to one island, under that island's section of the bookstore.  Click on a title below for more information, including price and availability, sample pages, user and editor reviews.  We offer 128-bit SSL encryption for secure on-line purchases through, the world's largest online book store.

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Featured Titles:

Run to the Sun Hawaii's Best Spooky Tales 4 Somewhere A Song
by Robert Dave by Rick Carroll by Judith Pella
384 pages, 2001 176 pages, 2000 464 pages, 2002

Shark Dialogues MaKai Emerald Flash
by Kiana Davenport by Kathleen Tyau by Charles Knief
1995 289 pages, 2000 304 pages, 1999
The Floating City:
A Novel
In Good Company All I Asking For Is My Body
by Pamela Ball by Cedric Yamanaka by Milton Murayama
272 pages, 2002 128 pages, 2002 120 pages, 1988
The Queen's Revenge Wild Meat and Bully Burgers Keiki
by Gary Tamkin by Lois-Ann Yamanaka by Jan Tissot
2000 1996 384 pages, 2002
Short-Timers in Paradise Island of the Innocent Mango Lady
& Other Stories from Hawaii
by John White by Lynn & Gilbert Morris by Ted Gugelyk
170 pages, 2000 395 pages, 2000 160 pages, 1997
The Key Fob Hawaii's Best Spooky Tales 2 Middle Son
by Frank Young, 
Evelyn Riemer
by Rick Carroll by Deborah Iida
100 pages, 2002 152 pages, 1998 238 pages, 1996
Shroud of Silence Pilot's Wives The Speed of Darkness
by Carol D. Slama by Jennifer Mayne by Rodney Morales
256 pages, 1998 395 pages, 2000 178 pages, 1988
Stepping Stones Steppin' on a Rainbow Potluck: Stories That Taste Like Hawaii
by Ellen Soo Sun Song Kang by Kinky Friedman by Catherine Bridges Tarleton
212 pages, 2003 208 pages, 2001 162 pages, 2001